Pitch Deck Handbook: Index Slides
1 min readFeb 14, 2023
Index Slides are there to provide supplemental detail that answers questions that can not be answered in the “pitch” part of the deck (Intro Slide through Closing Slide). They should include any detail needed to expand upon topics in the deck. Index slides are always located at the end of the pitch deck.
Purpose of Index Slides
If you find that you are continuously getting a question on a certain topic in the deck, an index slide might be needed if you can’t answer the question within the “pitch” part of the deck.
Index Slide’s Purpose are to provide supplemental detail to further explain topics talked about in the deck.
Info and Content to Include
Can be included in Index Slides:
- Anything that needs to be further explained
Closing Slide Location in a Pitch Deck
- … > Closing > Index